Lower inventory
Higher delivery reliability
DDMRP is the demand-driven method for inventory and production management
Real customer orders drive your planning and execution to success.
Higher service level
High performance in customer service
15% to 40% inventory reduction
Higher return on assets
More flexibility
Produce only what is in demand
Real customer orders drive the process
Real customer orders activate the planning and execution processes for ordered products. Together with relevant information about processes, suppliers, and capacity, DDMRP contributes to a synchronized material flow. This synchronization results in stable processes with minimal replanning and expediting. Most companies can benefit from Demand Driven MRP by reducing inventory, increasing delivery reliability, and shortening lead times.
Real customer orders drive the production of materials for all levels of the bill of materials. Maintaining good flow in production and supply chain processes is crucial for delivery reliability. Variations in material and capacity availability threaten this flow. DDMRP protects the flow with stock buffers based on process, product, and capacity parameters. Dynamic adjustments of these buffers ensure optimal inventory levels. This system works with clear priorities for both planning and execution.
We support DDMRP implementations
We support companies that want to adopt Demand Driven practices. Our consultants have experience in implementing Demand Driven concepts.
For more information or to make an appointment